Singing Guide: Up In Central Park

Singing Guide: Up In Central Park

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Today, we have a special treat for fans of Broadway musicals: we’re going to learn how to sing like Bobby the Musical, the protagonist of the 1945 Broadway classic Up In Central Park.

The character of Bobby has a smooth and relaxed voice that has come to define an entire era of American songwriting. From the classic sound of "Jenny, Take a Ride" to the powerful duet "Sweet Danger," Bobby's unique vocal style is the perfect inspiration for any aspiring singer.

If you want to learn how to sing like Bobby, there are some basics you need to understand first. These include breathing, range, sustain, resonance, and pitch accuracy. The following resources at Singing Carrots can help you master these concepts:

One of the defining aspects of Bobby’s vocal style is his control of dynamics. He knows how to seamlessly transition from a gentle whisper to a full-throated belting powerhouse. To learn this technique, try the following Singing Carrots video exercises:

Another key aspect of Bobby's style is his excellent pitch control. To improve your own pitch accuracy and learn how to hit those tricky notes, try these pitch accuracy exercises on Singing Carrots:

Now that you've mastered the basics, it's time to put your skills to use by singing some classic Bobby songs. Some of his most famous pieces include "Jenny, Take a Ride", "Sweet Danger", and "Couldn't Be Better". Singing Carrots has you covered with plenty of options for downloading sheet music and practicing accompaniments.

Last, but not least, it's important to remember that singing is an art, and it takes practice and dedication to truly master. To get started with an educational program covering all aspects of singing, enroll in Singing Carrots’ comprehensive singing course:

With these resources, you're well on your way to singing like Broadway legend Bobby of Up In Central Park. Remember, practice makes perfect – so get started today!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.